Monday, January 19, 2009

Living a Pure Life

The Scriptures make much application of the truths they teach. Paul's Epistles give us the teaching in the first half of the book and the task in the second half. Christian duty always follows Biblical Doctrine. In II Corinthians Paul tells us to separate ourselves from evil, and He will be a Father to us and we will be His sons and daughters. Then He says “since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”- 2 Corinthians 7:1. When we accepted Christ He declared us to be holy and righteous before Him. He put on shoulders the robe of His Righteousness. At Calvary all our sins were washed away. On the basis of this truth we can "purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit." How do we do that? By our choosing to walk in the Word, and live out the truth of the Word. The Word takes root in our hearts and is manifested in our walk. Continually drinking from the Water of Life will produce Christ likeness as we "Work out what the Holy Spirit through the Word works in. An experiential knowledge of the Word gives us the power to "Prefect holiness out of reverence for God." How can we live a holy life in a polluted world? By taking Jesus words seriously when He said "You are clean through the Word's I have spoken to you." As the old Hymn writer said "When we walk with the Lord in the Light of His Word, what glory He sheds on our way." How are you and the Scriptures getting along? Are they close friends or distant relatives. Dr. Ken Copley is available for counseling, conferences, and local church meetings.

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