Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prayer God Can't Refuse

In the first chapter of Nehemiah, he learns that the walls of Jerusalem are broken down and its gates had been destroyed by fire. Nehemiah came face to face with a situation that was too big for him. Prayer has been called the greatest force on earth. Preaching my stir the hearts of men, but prayer moves the heart of God. For prayer to be effective it must be preceded by a knowledge of a need. For Nehemiah the walls of the city of his fathers must be rebuilt. Thus Nehemiah went to prayer. Prayer is not merely prattle; it is warfare. Nehemiah did not expect God to answer his summons the moment he prayed. He instead recognized his subordination to his Sovereign and respectfully persisted until God answered him (James 5:16-18). Not only does prayer aid in bringing our lives into conformity to the will of God, it also prepares us to receive an answer. Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, it is laying hold of His highest willingness. Prayer gives us a new perspective. True prayer opens the eyes to things not seen before. Prayer establishes our priorities. Prayer gives us a sense of purpose, God's purpose. Our "groaning which cannot be uttered" are the prayers which God cannot refuse (Romans 8:26-27). Daily prayers really do lessen our daily cares. Why? Because we learn to "cast all our burdens on the One who cares for us." It is prevailing prayer that makes a difference. The reasons Nehemiah became so burdened for the walls to be built, is they were the holy cities protection. In the Scriptures the walls of Jerusalem symbolize protection and her gate praise (Isaiah 60:18). Nehemiah prayed and intermittently fasted for 120 day, the walls were built in 52 days. Dr. Ken Copley is available for counseling, conferences, and local church meetings.

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