Monday, January 19, 2009

Walking Humbly with God

In Micah 6:8 our Lord says "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do Justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." the subject of humility is a difficult one in our world where personal pride rules the day. This outline is taken from Chuck Swindoll's book a life well lived. I would highly recommend this book. You may purchase it for just over $10.00 by going to The final chapter closes on this note, "A life well lived honors the Lord and inspires others, but it also produces rewards for the one who lives it. He then lists six of the rewards: -The sustained cultivation of exemplary character -The continued relief of a clear conscience -The personal delight of intimacy with the Almighty -The high privilege of being a mentor -The crowning reward of finishing well -A priceless, lingering legacy for those we love. I am going to attempt to expand each of these rewards. 1. The sustained cultivation of exemplary character. We are daily building what we are becoming. Someone said "We are not human beings as much as human becomings." We will be forever what we are becoming today. Each choice we make builds our character. Our walk with the Lord, is a huge factor, in considering what we will become. We are to become like Jesus.2. The continued relief of a clear conscience. Learning to ask forgiveness. Being quick to forgive. Bitterness grows in the soil of an unforgiving heart. Strive to quickly make things right with everyone you wrong. Being careful with the use of your tongue, check to be sure your attitude would glorify Jesus. Keep very short accounts with God. 3. The personal delight of intimacy with the Almighty. God created us that we might "Glorify Him and enjoy Him forever." Someone said that we glorify Him by enjoying Him forever. To walk in fellowship with the Lord is the greatest privilege we will ever have. I personally enjoy fellowship. My father is in his late 80's and if I call him and fail to visit with him at least an hour it, in his mind, doesn't really qualify as a call. Our Father in Heaven loves us and delights in our fellowship. He has His plan for our lives all worked out. He has never made a mistake and he never will. My personal experience has been that the closer I get the the Lord the greater the attack from the enemy. However, we are given strength in the time of attack, and there is no better place to remain than in fellowship with our Father.4. The high privilege of being a mentor. When we walk with the Lord others around us will follow. That is what discipleship is all about. We make disciples by teaching other to follow Christ. We teach them to obey all that Christ taught. Others use us as an example to follow. Paul said "Be followers of me, as I am a follower of Christ." Who is following you? How well are you doing as you seek to follow Christ? 5. The crowing reward of finishing well. Not all who begin the race well, finish well. I remember a young man in Bible College who bragged to all who would listen that he was going to be the next great evangelist of our time. He didn't last a full semester. Many go up like a rocket and come down like a rock. How often are we prone to distraction or discouragement. I have seen believers just plain quit because something in their life fell apart or didn't go the way they told God it should go. Let's determine that we will run and finish well. The words "Well done, good and faithful servant" coming from the lips of Jesus will more that make it worth while. Actually it's worth it all right now. 6. A priceless, lingering legacy for those we love. What are you leaving for those you love? Do those close to you delight in what the Lord has passed to them through you? I believe every family has a "Hush". There are things in all of our pasts that we would rather not be there. However God's grace is far greater than our past. Ask the Apostle Paul, the former Christian killer, about God's grace. His Epistles are full of writtings about the grace of God. What are you going to leave for others, that will help build lives, and the kingdom of God? What does the Lord want you to do today? Is there anything in your life He wants to help you change? Let's all strive to finish with a life well lived. Dr. Copley is available for counseling, conferences, and local church meetings.

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